Welcome to Sarah Kirrane Counselling

Supporting you through Loss & Grief

Counselling and Therapy

Online and in Pinner HA5, North West London.

Hello and welcome. My name is Sarah and I am a counselling therapist specialising in loss and bereavement. Please scroll down to find out more about me and how I can help you...

You might be wondering what has led you here today. Sometimes we can experience lots of different thoughts and feelings and not quite understand why. Are you feeling low in mood or anxious right now? Maybe you're feeling lost and a bit overwhelmed. Have you lost someone or something important to you? 

If you aren't quite sure about what you need right now, don't worry. I can help you figure that out. The first step is for you to contact me either on the phone or by sending me an email so that we can arrange an initial chat and we can go from there. The initial call is a really good way for us both to figure out what it is that you are hoping for, for you to see how you feel talking to me and if you would then like to book your first session. 

Having spent a number of years supporting people grieving for loved ones, I understand the profound impact that grief can have on us. It is always a privilege to hear about my clients unique and individual experiences and although talking won't bring the person back, it can be helpful to talk about how their death is affecting you. If you are feeling alone and are carrying very difficult feelings of guilt or regret, for example, then counselling provides an opportunity to express this and to find ways of coping that may serve you better. 

I am also passionate about supporting people as they try to come to terms with another type of loss they are facing. The term 'loss' covers so many different things and we can often be grieving for something without recognising that it is grief we are feeling. I wonder if you sometimes find yourself thinking about the life you had imagined for yourself v's the life you are living? Do you ever think "I didn't think I'd be here at this age" or do you regret earlier life decisions? 

How is your health at the moment? Are you struggling with something that hasn't yet been diagnosed or are you now trying to get your head around a difficult diagnosis? Loss of health is something that I am particularly passionate about so if this is something you are struggling with, contact me here.

But why choose me?

Receiving a life changing diagnosis is experienced as a loss or what is referred to as a living loss. It carries the same emotional burden as grief. And, like you, I have been there. Illness changes our identity moving from a healthy person to one with a condition to manage. Having to integrate this unwanted new identity is painful and comes with many emotions especially concerning your body. We can be angry with it, feel powerless and like we are all of a sudden burdening others.

I understand how distressing it is when your body suddenly isn't doing what it's supposed to do and how isolating this can be. I've been there with having to make lifestyle choices, take regular medication and deal with the side effects not to mention fitting in all of the hospital appointments on top of an already busy schedule.

It can be hard to deal with the responses of friends and family especially when the diagnosis also affects them and particularly when the life you thought you would live now looks different.

So, if you would like to talk with a professional who has been there and understands, please do contact me to find out more.

I am a registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).


Qualifications & Experience

  • Level 4 diploma in therapeutic counselling
  • Levels 2 and 3 counselling skills
  • Certificate in online and telephone counselling
  • Helpline Counsellor - Vita Health Group
  • Counsellor - Place2be
  • Bereavement Visitor - Bereavement Care (Harrow)
  • Volunteer Counsellor - Childline
  • Ongoing continued professional development

Non-death Loss

​Being able to identify and name life experiences as losses worthy of grief can be an important part of healing. Yet often, we tend to identify death as being the only life event worthy of grief.

In today's fast-paced world, our experiences of loss are quickly pushed aside as we are forced to 'get on with it' or 'get over it'.

For some, the source of their grief may be clear, for example, the end of a relationship, the end of a career, retirement, children leaving home, the end of a dream or future plans such as having children, or the loss of good health.

For others, when faced with certain challenges, intense emotions may be felt but it may be less clear that these feelings actually stem from grief or the loss of their world as they knew it.

Talking about how you are feeling can help you to gain clarity and understanding, increase self-awareness and people often say that, although talking doesn't fix or solve the problems, it makes it easier to face them.

If you feel that you might benefit from having the support of a counsellor, please contact me to find out more about how I work and to talk about your needs at this time.

About Counselling

Counselling is a talking therapy where an individual is able to talk to a trained professional about problems they are facing and emotions they are experiencing. Talking can be a good way to help maintain your emotional and mental health needs just as exercise and a healthy diet can help to maintain your physical health.

A counsellor can provide you with a supportive, non-judgemental and confidential place where you can talk about anything that is troubling you, free from opinions and advice.

The counselling relationship aims to give you the time and space to explore what is happening in your life and support you to make changes that will be right for you.

We all face difficult, stressful and sad situations at some point in our lives and it can be hard to truly express ourselves to those closest to us for fear of judgement or causing pain to others.

Talking to someone who is trained to listen confidentially and without judgement, and who is outside your friendship and family network, can be helpful during what may feel like a lonely time.

The power of being listened to and understood is often underestimated. When we feel heard and supported, whatever situation we are up against can feel more bearable and less isolating.

You can find a more in-depth explanation of what counselling is on the BACP website:

“Asking for help isn't giving up' said the horse, 'It's refusing to give up.” - Charlie Macksey

Other issues I have supported clients with:

  • Abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement
  • Cancer
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome / ME
  • Disability
  • Health related issues
  • Identity issues
  • Infertility
  • Loss
  • Menopause

  • Pregnancy related issues
  • Redundancy
  • Relationships
  • Self esteem
  • Sexual identity
  • Stress
  • Vegan allied
  • Women's issues
  • Work related issues

Bereavement Counselling

“Death steals the future we anticipated and hoped for, but it can't take away the relationship we had.” - Julia Samuel

When someone close dies, the world can seem like a lonely and empty place. It can help to talk with someone who will listen without judging or telling you what to do.

As a grief counsellor, I recognise the profound impact that the death of a loved one has on a person. Grieving is a personal journey with no predefined 'normal' response or fixed timescale, despite societal expectations.

Sadly, even though death is such a huge part of life, society continues to impose its expectations and judgements on people by telling them how long their grief should last, by making comparisons or by completely avoiding the subject. Society does not mean to be harmful; it just does not like to talk or think about death and dying.

What does grief feel like?

To lose a loved one is probably one of the hardest things we will experience in our lives. There is no 'normal' way to respond to grief and no timescale, despite what society may want.

Grieving is natural and normal and although it is painful, distressing and can make us feel unwell, it is not an illness. It cannot be fixed and we cannot make it go away. Over time, the pain will usually feel less intense and many people will adapt to a life without the person who has died but this will be different for everyone.

It can help to know that, as different as it is for everyone, many bereaved people have reported some of the following similar feelings: Shock and numbness, pain, anger, guilt, depression, relief, seeing and hearing the person who has died, sadness, lost, exhausted, anxious, frightened, cheated, lacking in purpose, confused, worried, overwhelmed.

Whatever you are feeling at this time, it is important to do what is right for you and know that when it comes to grief, there is no right or wrong way. Your grief is as unique as the relationship you had.

How does bereavement counselling work?

Bereavement counselling gives you the time you need to talk

about the person who has died and how their death is affecting you. I want to

offer you a place to come where you can be as messy as your grief is without

having to hear about how strong you are or how well you are coping. It can be

somewhere for you let go, to be angry, cry, laugh, remember them in your own

way and to acknowledge how hard things are without having to protect others from your feelings.

Sadly, even though death is such a huge part of life, society continues to impose its expectations and judgements on people by telling them how long their grief should last, by making comparisons to its own experiences or by completely avoiding the subject. Society does not mean to be harmful, it just does not like to talk or think about death and dying.

It is important to remember that grief is a natural process and many will have some form of support from friends and family which can sometimes be enough. However, more often than not, the amount of time a friend has to offer will be limited and isn't always enough for the person in need of support. Family members may be trying to process their own grief and be unable to support one another. Sharing your true feelings with those closest to you can feel risky and can come with unhelpful opinions, feeling judged, unheard or misunderstood and this can have a negative impact on your grief and healing.

If you think you might benefit from bereavement counselling and would like to ask me any questions, please contact me.

My Location

The Blossom Tree Clinic is located in the heart of Pinner just off the high street. It is just a few minutes from Pinner station on foot and bus routes H12, H13 and 183 will bring you here. Blossom Tree is easily accessible from Hillingdon and Harrow, Northwood Hills, Northwood, North Harrow, Eastcote, Ruislip, Ickenham, Uxbridge, West Harrow, South Harrow and Harrow on the Hill.

Online counselling has grown in popularity in recent years. I currently offer sessions via Zoom. Offering many of the benefits that in-person counselling offers, it is also flexible and convenient for those less able to travel or with busy lifestyles.

For some, it may feel safer to attend counselling in this way as it allows you to engage with a counsellor from the comfort of your own home. This familiar environment can promote a sense of security making it easier to discuss sensitive topics.

Sessions & Fees

Each session is 60 minutes long and costs from £70.00. Payment can be made by bank transfer before the session.

As a registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy), I am bound by, and adhere to, its ethical framework for good practice in counselling and psychotherapy and I am subject to the BACP professional conduct code.

For your protection and reassurance, I am fully insured, hold an enhanced DBS (criminal check) and am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Confidentiality is central to the therapeutic relationship and I will work to ensure that it is fully preserved both during and after our work together. However, there are some limitations which I will explain clearly during our first session.

Get in touch

Making contact with a therapist can be a scary first step. It is normal to feel unsure, nervous or anxious about opening up to a stranger.

When you are feeling ready to contact me, please be assured that I am qualified to practice and, most importantly, I am just another human who has experienced loss and has also had the support of a counsellor.

You can submit an enquiry using my contact form, or call me on 07792005366 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.

“We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know.” - Carl Rogers

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